Meeting your partners former Boyfriend.


Meeting your partner:s former boyfriend, can be most of the time a very stressful experience, depending on the attitude of her former partner. As we all know no matter how badly the relationship might have ended he will always have a place in her heart and vice versa. In my experience, many times if the former boyfriend is mature enough no problem can arise as in his eyes, he will see that his ex girlfriend is happy and satisfied  with the partner she has now, and if he really cares about her, he will also be happy for her. But in some cases you have the former partner that just seems not to like anybody dating his ex partner no matter how good and happy she is being treated. Some rules are essential in this situation, no matter how much the person is provoking you, try to remain calm. I know it might be hard, but you have to remember that you have to show your partner that you are indeed better than him, and more mature, second if the provocation continues with misplaced words or phrases try to laugh off the situation, after a while when realising that all his efforts are in vain and that you are indeed not the the type of person that will be dragged into an argument, and indeed that you are better than her former boyfriend. So please keep calm in this situation and always remember that you are the new man in her life, so do not behave like the former boyfriend, there is a reason why they are not together anymore.