Broken Heart

broken heart meme

Having a broken heart can have a big influence on our present and future lives. But a shattered heart does not necessarily mean that life is over or that we will not fall in love again.

Broken heart status

As you probably have heard before “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”. Whether the other person treated you in an awful way, or you still loved the other person when they decided to end it, with time the wounds inflicted to your heart will heal. In the first few weeks or months you will be hurt and feel that you can never love again or nobody else will love you, the best way to forget is to enjoy your life, go out with your friends, spend time with your family  try to find activities you enjoy.

Heartache can be fixed

With time you will find that the other person is occupying less of your mind and you can then think of your own self  Always remember that whether the person treated you bad or the relationship did not go well, you learn from everything that happened and that the next time, the same thing will not happen again to you. Hurt hearts heal with time, so no matter how much it hurts at first keep your head up.