Dealing with the Past of Your Partner

Everyone has had stories or events that they are not proud of, or would rather not talk about. But how to deal with the past of a partner, someone you love with all your heart? You might have heard something about them, or their past activities that might lead you to doubt their trustworthiness or how suitable they could be as your future husband or wife. It is very important to not let their past destroy your future together as you may yourself have old skeletons in your closet that you don’t want anyone to know about. Whatever you find out about them it is important to have a discussion with them to find out the truth, if you find that the accusation or the rumours are true then it’s up to you to accept their past and not let it not destroy the current state of your relationship. The truth hurts but everyone has a past and sometimes we want to move on and not be reminded of the mistakes we made. The Past should be the past and should remain so.