How to survive a Broken Heart

English: Broken heart sewn back together
English: Broken heart sewn back together (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Being Heartbroken after a relationship failed or finding out that our partner cheated, has happened to many of us. It is important to always remember that your sadness will not last forever. After your break up try to forget about the other person that was in your life, by spending time with the closest people in your life, your friends and your familly that will always be there to give you the support you need. You have to remember a boyfriend/girlfriend can stay shortly in your life but familly is forever. If you still feel side inside try to get out of town for a while, to get your mind off things, it is also important not to be reminded of things you did together or places you went with them, during your relationship. Also live your life, you have to remember if the other person dumped you or cheated on you, you are probably the last person in their mind at the moment. It is therefore important to enjoy your new life and indeed think about your own future and happiness.