Dealing with the former flame of your Partner

Dealing with the former flame of your partner is a very delicate matter, which if not handled in a correct manner by both of you can have disastrous consequences for the future of your relationship.  Overreacting is one problem but at the same time not addressing the issue when the text messages, email or Facebook message multiply throughout the months is not good as succesful relationships are based on solid communications and addressing the worries of one other. If you start to feel as if the contact of this former flame is creating a problem in your relationship it’s important to state your fear and talk to your partner, then as you made your fear and opinion clear, it will be up to your partner whether they feel the same about the issue and advise their former flame to stop contacting them. Others might choose to ignore the messages of the former flame, but as the time passes out of desperation the former flame message may become more and more intimate and emotional. In my experience the best to handle this situation is of course if you do not want anything to do with the person as a friend, maybe send a strong message expressing your desire to be left in peace to enjoy your new relationship. If the situation drags on your partner may think that you may still have feelings for your former flame or might enjoy the thrill of being ”chased” by another person, which will put your relationship in danger.