The Fear of Love

erase fear

The fear of love is a term used to describe the anxiety or panic that people experience when they feel like they’re falling in love. Love can be an exhilarating and exciting feeling, but it also brings up a lot of questions for many people. What do I need to know before getting into this relationship? Is he really in love with me? Am I ready for commitment and all the things that come with it?

Afraid of Love

I’m not ashamed to admit that I was one of those people who used any excuse under the sun in order to get out before things got too serious. For me, “love” became a four-letter word and something that could only be experienced by others but never myself because it would eventually lead to my downfall.  Relationships for someone like me were just looking good on Facebook–a lie meant for show and with no substance behind them. But what’s funny about all this is the fact that past experiences are supposed to shape you as an individual yet they failed when it came down most important relationship in my life: love itself! It turns out love wasn’t actually such a bad thing afterall. Losing control is a big fear for many when it comes to love. They’re afraid that once they fall in love, everything will change and their lives or existence will be altered forever due to bad past experiences the same thing might happen again.

Philophobia: What can I do?

People may have different reasons for not talking to their significant other, but one thing is certain. When someone feels a strong fear of intimacy or relationships with others in general (aka philophobia), it’s best that they seek professional help before the problem gets worse and turns into an obsession. Letting go might be easier said than done at first, but there are plenty of ways you can get over your phobia on your own time without inducing self-harmful stressors like anxiety attacks or binging on food when feeling sad about breakups instead. In any case, don’t fret too much as long as you’re positive and happy!.

But later on, one thing I learned about my fear of love is that we always learn from our past, if we don’t learn from our mistakes we cannot move to the future, and also something that helped me quite a lot with my fear of my love is the fact that I remembered that life itself is a gamble, everyday might be our last, everyday we gamble with our lives, we make decision that will affect our lives for good or worse, so I told myself that love in itself is a gamble.

Fix your fear

Love can be a tricky thing to navigate, and it’s not uncommon for people to stumble on their way through. But if you’re afraid of failing at love then the odds are that you’ll end up with nothing: no relationship or even worse than before! We should all try our best in life; this is just one more step we need to take towards achieving what makes us happy. So don’t let your fear hold back from living the most fulfilling life possible by letting go of those fears today and being loving instead!

It’s not that you’re unloved; it’s just the opposite. You love so much, your fear of being loved back is what drives this issue-fear response to relationships and interactions with others.